Indonesia had its share of violent extremism attacks since the beginning of its independence until most recent, which evolves overtime, carrying and called with different banners. From separatist movement at the time of the nation was formed, to ideologist struggle, to post-authoritarian President Soeharto 1998 when democracy allows political identity allowed to flourish and intertwined with transnational terrorism networks. Based on terror attacks occurred in the last five years, there are two patterns taking place in Indonesia’s terrorist activities. Namely, more active involvement of women in terrorist acts and the relative success of deradicalization program. However, there is a concern that deradicalization program should be run more effectively. Despite, if statistics considered, from the 1,192 former terrorist convicts undertook deradicalization program, only 116 of them relapsed, which is only 9.7 percent failing rate. This number indicated that BNPT’s deradicalization program is relatively successful. Yet still, there are challenges Indonesia's deradicalization program due to lack of budget, less effective deradicalization program, overcrowded prison, inadequate research on how to tackle terrorism, problem of interest from the convicts, and lack of gender perspective.