Business Administration: Curricular Implications


Society's Development
Organizational Structure

How to Cite

J. Panglaykm. (2024). Business Administration: Curricular Implications. Indonesian Quarterly, 2(2). Retrieved from


Business schools should be able to define their objectives clearly. These objectives should reflect the present stage of society’s development as well cs future changes, challenges and developments. It should also reflect the requirements, wishes and expectations of the ‘"consumers". From the clearly defined objectives, curricula and: organizational structure and manpower, we may have an indication of the schools' effectiveness and quality of their graduates.

The clearly defined objectives must be backed up by an adequate curriculum. A curriculum should be seen as the mechanism to carry out the objectives of the school.

Objectives and curricula supported by the right organizational structure will possibly give the leadership of the school an opportunity to staff the school with qualified and high calibre manpower. On its part the leadership should be able ¡to create conditions conducive to enthusiasm, initiative, loyalty and devotion. These qualities do not come overnight, they have to be cultivated.
